Basic Carpentry Skills taught at Granville church

03 Oct 2023 Granville Communications Team

The Granville Adventist Adult Literacy School is having a basic carpentry skills training every Sunday at Granville SDA church ground. The instructor of the training is a Fulltime trainer and lecturer at Port Moresby Business College Mr. Mark Pira Tonomba. The first lesson was taught on tools and materials. The second lesson was on how to use the tools. There were total of 18 trainees attended the training in which 12 were non Adventists while 6 are Adventists. 
" By the end of the training, the trainees will know how to set up a house profile, and when they get the basics right, they can build the house. This is one of the areas that we can teach new skills to our church members so that they can earn an income and make a living." Mr. Tonomba said.

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34 Pathfinders Baptized at Granville SDA church

21 Sep 2023 Joshua Honnes

The world pathfinder day is an event that is celebrated yearly by pathfinder all around the globe to showcase all pathfinder activities that a pathfinder club has achieved in the past year. It encourages and motives young people to keep serving others for Christ.

The 73rd World Pathfinder Day for this year falls on the 16th September which coincides with the Independence Day. It was a weekend program however Granville Pathfinder Club held a week program starting on Monday, 11th September and end on Sabbath, 16th September. The theme of the program was “Go With Jesus”.

The pathfinder club consist of young people between the age of 10 to 18 where they get to learn about leadership, arts & recreation, science, outdoor skills, and spiritual development. Granville club has total of 150 pathfinders of both genders. The club does not only focus on social aspect of the program but also focuses on discipleship making. Young people are encouraged to read the bible and share with others in a small group. The club has adopted Bible Discovery Reading (BDR) method to study the bible which allows everyone to deeply search the scripture by asking series of probing questions. Through this method of studying, many young people have developed deep passion of studying the bible. By focusing more on spiritual enrichment programs, the club started to see the pathfinders making decisions to follow Jesus.

Therefore, for this World Pathfinder program, the club was privileged by God’s grace to baptise 34 young people at Granville church. The baptism program was officiated by three ordained pastors of Central Papua Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist church: Pastor Joe Kauga, Pastor Rodney Kasa, and Pastor Ismail Teine 

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