Our Church History

Pioneer members of the Granville church

Granville SDA Church History

Granville SDA Church is a branch church of Koiari Park Pidgin Church. It is located beside the 9Mile Public Cemetery where the Kopiago block and the Guard Dog Security Compound. The church was established back then in 1980s on a 99 years Agriculture Lease Land.

The current location of the church was then established as a Branch Sabbath School area conducted by Timothy, who comes from Lake Kopiago and Bob Wagi from Central Province. During that year, both Bob and Timothy were the employees of PAU then PAC as farm worker and causal carpenter respectively.

Timothy was residing from the Kopiago Block and he would walk back and forth from work at PAC. Every Sabbaths, Timothy would take his family to attend Sabbath Services at PAC Pidgin Church. During those days, Bob Waghi and Timothy established a good Christian friendship. As a result, after Sabbath at PAU, Bob would drop off Timothy’s family at the Kopiago Block where Timothy resides. They would then have AYs at Timothy’s house for some Sabbaths and eventually, the area was established as a Branch Sabbath School site.

Mr Wagi was then an Elder at PAC Church at those times he would organise people to run Branch Sabbath Schools. There were some PAU employees, late Huper Kano and his family, Wai Moses and others would join them for Branch Sabbath Schools until then the PAC Pidgin church realized the interest and growth in the Sabbath School membership.

Late Bob Botong who was the head of PAC building manager then provided material and there was this church building constructed at the Branch Sabbath School site. Other undivided support was from the Pidgin Church members namely; Makau - church pastor (student), Billingson Aite, Benny Kavang, Jeremiah Wase, late Wason Tniya and Marai with their families would continue to visit on Wednesdays, Friday nights and Sabbath Worships.

Some people from the community had shown interest to follow Jesus through spiritual organised programs. To name some few interested candidates were, Daniel Kuari, Samson Pendepa, Simon Peter and Robert Yori were the results during the first establishment of Granville Church and were employees of PAU.

 Bob and Timothy attended gave their brief history. Bob Wagi and Timothy are sitting in front with leis on their necks during the formation of Nucleus at the time of church organization,

We thank God for his leading this far.