

Purpose and Function

The Department of Stewardship assists administration in accomplishing the mission of the Church through leadership training and the education of church members in stewardship principles. More specifically, the purpose of the Department of Stewardship is to aid in the integration of the faith walk with God into every area of life individually and corporately.

The functions of the Department of Stewardship are:

1. To articulate a biblical vision of stewardship and the integration of the lordship of Jesus Christ into every area of life, and to call the Church to a total commitment of the entire life and all resources and possessions to the lordship of Jesus Christ.

2. To develop and present a biblical approach to stewardship as the lifestyle lived in union and partnership with God.

3. To continue the work of tithe and offering education and the implementation of the recommended Seventh-day Adventist Financial Support Plan. This would help members grow in the understanding of their role in the corporate stewardship of the church as the Body of Christ, its financial support through systematic benevolence, and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding the individual and corporate giving systems.

4. To develop concepts and appropriate resources for empowering members and leaders to implement stewardship principles, especially those materials that cannot be produced as economically and effectively in a division or union office.

5. To encourage increased financial responsibility and accountability, as well as greater levels of financial self support and interdependence, individually and corporately.

6. To help create an understanding of the balance between a regular giving system and special project giving as two dimensions of systematic benevolence which work in harmony. Thus each believer is encouraged to provide regular, systematic support for the local church, conference/mission, and world missions, and in addition join in supporting special projects as led by the Holy Spirit.